Iron will just help you stay on target, and buff defense for 3 sec, also help to stack for E. Never seen people using Interrupt (could be nice if you interrupt an ability, then target would be silenced for a second or two) or harmstring. When you hit Splitting Slash on max distance, you wont even able to run up to your target to Q them lol. I'm pretty sure you can count end numbers yourself. But there is a Q3! It deals 175dmg per swing, and if you do only 2 parts of the combo, it goes off for 2.5 seconds cd. Yes! And t's not that hard tbh, at least easier than Q1 with a sword enemy who runs away with the same speed as you, + DoT that you apply kinda make up for the difference. But you can say - "Hey, axe user should hit enemy with outer circle!". So even if we won't count these DoTs and utility, it turns out that Axes do more direct damage with more range, while not having to stop for attack. While Axe's Q2 hit for 248 on range from 3m to 5m, and 149 below 3m, can attack on the go, AND you apply a DoT with a debuff. Q2 - and now thing are getting interesting! According to wiki flat numbers (i low key checked them in game) Sword's Q2 hit for 212dmg with range of 3m, and you stop to perform the attack. Now swords - waay to often i can't land Q1 while literally running behind and autoattacking enemy (ping 110), damage is good though (when you can land it).

We can say that every Axe has AoE damage and mobility I really believe that Axe line is probably have best design, both gameplay and balance wise. Also really good for fame farm and easy to lvl up. Which is also can hold on it's own in 1v1 and open world. So what we have here? Perfect small scale weapon line with a strong AoE pressure from bleeds and combinations of W and E, with strong utility (healing reduction, HP reduction, CC). And let's say Scythe have utility too, because the only reason it's not widely used is bloodletter (imagine if ppl actually had to aim and time their execution ability, lmao). Most of E on axes have some kind of utility too, apart Greataxe (huge AoE uninterruptable damage) and Bear paws (nice damage, true DoT, cd reduction). On W there is nice solo damage ability with a debuff, Self buff for mobility AND damage for 7 seconds, Mobility for 12m and debuff (or you can just use it to get away), and two nice AOE options, with second being devastating + rumping up your own damage for a follow up E. I mean look at the axes again: All Q abilities have utility! Healing reduction ain't a joke, + third q have a root + nice range, and you got to choose direction of hitting cone.

Albion online is an open world sandbox in the first place. So, now i'm just wondering what is Sworld line for? And please let's ignore corrupteds. The only thing that keeps me away - there is no parry strike on W Since, axes get a small buff for Halberd and Carrion, which should broad selection of viable weapons for axe users (which is actually great), I'm more and more tempted to actually invest fame credits in this line.